Welcome, welcome to the Real World
Welcome, welcome to the Real World

It could be said
That having Black Hand roots
Makes friendships hard to keep
Send round the boys, why don’t you
To learn us a lesson for failing
Your impassable friendship test

But you have progressed
Into the real world
Domain of kids and wives
How do those lesser folk
Take your crusades?
You have progressed into the real world
What meaning have those lives?
Must they simply tiptoe in your shade?

What price a friend?
Very little when you drag them down with you
But backs might turn
Just how many times can the same bruised ego be caressed?

But you have progressed…

You name it…
The planet and the weather, the culture
The government
You name it…
You blame unfaithful partners, accountants
Great Uncle Joe
You name it…
You blame rubbish in the pop charts, or Dubya
Let’s flog him now!
You name it…
You blame something in the water, the T.V.
Anything but you
You blame it
Welcome to the Real World